These days everyone is talking about bone broth, why?! Because it is medicine. In Ayurveda we only use Animal based foods as medicine and...
Kunyi The Real Cleanse Food In Ayurveda
In the science of Ayurveda, strong digestion is key for good health. Common habits like eating too fast, not chewing enough, eating too...
Coconut & Beet Soup for Rakta Dhatu
Rakta dhatu refers to the primary fire of the body. The word rakta means colored as well as reddened. In the physical body, rakta refers...
Pitta/Vata pacifying cream of rice soup
Cilantro, Ginger and Garlic pacifies Kapha, Pitta and Vata. Breaks up winter congestion and cold. Garlic is grounding for late fall Vata...
Rasa Shake for winter
As many of you are aware, Ayurveda highly recommends staying away from cold foods and drinks but specially in the winter time which is...
Tea, as medicine
Darlene is an 82 year old, fit, assertive and encouraging wise woman who started coming to me for balancing her blood pressure, reducing...
How to stay mindful, this holiday season!
I remember when I was little, living in Tehran, our lives as children were simple and empty of most gift giving, toys and stuff in...
September diet
Fall marks a time of coming together and tending the hearth if you allow the season to draw you inward. Fall brings new reverence for the...
Stay cool for your Dosha type.
The summer has definitely begun! This year in Ontario, it took a long time to see it coming but finally it is here. The heat outside is...
Kapha pacifying diet (spring time)
Spring is here, Kapha season, where water and earth elements are dominant! Think of mud, it is heavy and dense. In the same way when...