September diet
Fall marks a time of coming together and tending the hearth if you allow the season to draw you inward. Fall brings new reverence for the...
Stay cool for your Dosha type.
The summer has definitely begun! This year in Ontario, it took a long time to see it coming but finally it is here. The heat outside is...
Power date ball
gredients: 1 cup whole dried pitted dates (about ½ pound) 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons (real) maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla 1...
Butternut squash Halva
Ingredients: (Serves 2-3) 2 ½ cups butternut squash, grated 2 cups whole milk (non-pastarized) or coconut milk ½ cup raisins ½ cup...
Asparagus, blood cleanse recipe
Dosha notes: Vata: Pacifies Vata add corriander Pitta: Pacifies Pitta mainly because Asparagus is a blood cleansing vegetable and the...
This soup will warm up your heart.
Doshic Notes Vata : Pacifies/reduces the dosha Pitta : Pacifies/reduces the dosha Kapha : Can imbalance, use low-fat options on the...
Balanced Doshas with Coffee
I know I love my one drink of coffee a day, I love the taste but sometimes this interrupts my Data Doshas by aggravating and over...
Summer smoothie - for those on the go
Healthy eating feels like a luxury when you're on the go. The drive-thru can be a tempting option when you are running around town with a...
The Golden goddess
Most of us know turmeric (Curcuma longa) as the vibrant orange powder, by now, we have all heard about the many benefits of this root....
Ayurvedic Date Shake - Rasayana
Ayurvedic Date Shake. Cooler weather creates a stronger appetite. An Ayurvedic date shake is a fantastic and filling snack. Date shakes...