Asparagus, blood cleanse recipe
Dosha notes: Vata: Pacifies Vata add corriander Pitta: Pacifies Pitta mainly because Asparagus is a blood cleansing vegetable and the...
Red lentil Iron making soup
Medicinal note: Red lentils are a good source of iron, a good blood builder and liver cleanser. Doshic Notes Vata - Soaking the red...
This soup will warm up your heart.
Doshic Notes Vata : Pacifies/reduces the dosha Pitta : Pacifies/reduces the dosha Kapha : Can imbalance, use low-fat options on the...
Balanced Doshas with Coffee
I know I love my one drink of coffee a day, I love the taste but sometimes this interrupts my Data Doshas by aggravating and over...