September diet
Fall marks a time of coming together and tending the hearth if you allow the season to draw you inward. Fall brings new reverence for the...
Stay cool for your Dosha type.
The summer has definitely begun! This year in Ontario, it took a long time to see it coming but finally it is here. The heat outside is...
Early spring and Ayurveda (get ready to cleanse)
March's weather is unpredictable. You might step out to find wind, rain, snow or sunshine - anything can happen. There's enough warmth...
5 ways to stick to your intentions not resolutons
When I was in my 20s, I had goals, life goals that I was going to make reality no matter how hard I would have to work or whom I would...
Why & how we use the Neti pot
Nasal Cleaning with Neti pot is one of the tools used in Ayurveda as part of basic daily hygiene for thousands of years. Simply put, it...
Prana | If it flows freely, you will be healthy
In the west, Prana, or what the Chinese call Chi and the Japanese call Ki, is often looked at as an impossible force. The truth is, for...
A Blissful mind { Even in a hectic world }
One of the many reasons why I started studying Ayurvedic psychology in the first place was because I had hit a dead-end in my marriage! ...
How to nourish yourself, this winter?!
The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda classifies the seasons according to their predominant dosha: Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. Late fall and...
Bitter Gourd Curry, heals your skin
Bitter gourds are good source of vitamins, minerals especially vitamin A, B1, B2, C and iron and has dietary fiber. It is low in calories...
Easing into a simple fall cleanse - Stage one
Autumn has arrived. Trees are turning colors, daylight is waning, and the nights are becoming cooler. Summer’s sun and heat are...