Power date ball
gredients: 1 cup whole dried pitted dates (about ½ pound) 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons (real) maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla 1...
Butternut squash Halva
Ingredients: (Serves 2-3) 2 ½ cups butternut squash, grated 2 cups whole milk (non-pastarized) or coconut milk ½ cup raisins ½ cup...
Early spring and Ayurveda (get ready to cleanse)
March's weather is unpredictable. You might step out to find wind, rain, snow or sunshine - anything can happen. There's enough warmth...
5 ways to stick to your intentions not resolutons
When I was in my 20s, I had goals, life goals that I was going to make reality no matter how hard I would have to work or whom I would...
Asparagus, blood cleanse recipe
Dosha notes: Vata: Pacifies Vata add corriander Pitta: Pacifies Pitta mainly because Asparagus is a blood cleansing vegetable and the...
Red lentil Iron making soup
Medicinal note: Red lentils are a good source of iron, a good blood builder and liver cleanser. Doshic Notes Vata - Soaking the red...
This soup will warm up your heart.
Doshic Notes Vata : Pacifies/reduces the dosha Pitta : Pacifies/reduces the dosha Kapha : Can imbalance, use low-fat options on the...
Balanced Doshas with Coffee
I know I love my one drink of coffee a day, I love the taste but sometimes this interrupts my Data Doshas by aggravating and over...
Why & how we use the Neti pot
Nasal Cleaning with Neti pot is one of the tools used in Ayurveda as part of basic daily hygiene for thousands of years. Simply put, it...
Lessons from a tree
Vata season is coming. Fall is the season that is ruled by the air and either element according to Ayurveda. All you have to do is look...