Cleanse + Rejuvenate Fall Reset
Cleanse + Rejuvenate Fall Reset
a 4 day cleanse to get you ready for Winter.
Available spots
Service Description
Ayurvedic cleanses are individualized, and done under the guidance of an Ayurvedic professional. They are based on a client’s unique body constitution, or prakriti, ther imbalances, or vikrati, the state of their agni, or their digestive and metabolic fire, and the ama, or toxins, in their body. Prakriti is a combination of the doshas, and doesn’t change. A vikrati can occur in any dosha, and can continue to change throughout a person’s life. For instance, while the Pitta dosha makes a person’s digestion robust, in excess, it can cause hyperacidity. Ayurvedic cleanses differ from other detoxes in three ways. 1. They are individualized and ideally done under supervision. 2. They involve three stages; preparation (Poorvakarma), the actual/active cleanse (Shodhana) and rejuvenation (Rasayana). 3. They attend to the commonly-ignored aspects of mental health and lifestyle. What you will receive: Recipes and Lifestyle Guide 1.5-hour Group Webinar on Sunday, Sept. 26th last 30 mins QA Dosha Herb Guide Complete Cleanse Guide in PDF One Yoga+Meditation Class with Me Choose the Personalized version of the cleanse to also receive: One on one session with me, overall health, diet, tongue reading, and pulse diagnosis/Dosha analysis One suitable Rasaysna (immunity) herb for the end of your cleanse Dates: (All sessions will be recorded for those who can attend live) - Group Webinar is on Sunday 26th at 5 pm - Live Yoga Practice Tuesday 28th at 10am
Cancellation Policy
Contact us at least 4 days before the time of appointment for any cancellations. Full payment will be charged otherwise, for cancellation in less than 4 days.
Contact Details
17277 Old Main St, Belfountain, ON L7K 0E5, Canada